Workshop on Useful and Reliable AI Agents

It was a great workshop that highlighted a lot of valuable insights. Highly recommended. 

Lucky and Mable.

Today is the day we adopt our cat -- Lucky and Mable. 

It is a day that I didn't expect I could meet cats in my favorite category. But we did. 

From finding, to driving 1 hour away between meetings and appointments, to adopting two cats on the spot that we haven't prepared, just in one day. 

M loves it so much. 

Thanks for the courage and execution. 

Everything is about making good habit

If you want to be excellent, then everything is about making good habits. 

Because once you have the behavior pattern as a good habit, then there will be minimal friction when you do things in a good way. 

This applies to your health, body-buidling, work and study. 

Good people have good habits. They can do great things with easier effort because they get so used to good practice. 

How to become a 10x person? A super individual?

1. Learning ability: how fast you learn? How frequent? How focused? Are you measuring the progress? Is it like a super learner that can pick up and get deeper into the learning effectively? This is about growing your knowledge and skills to achieve your goals.

2. Execution power. How efficiently do you leverage your time to achieve the results? This measures your current capacity.  Execution power = Productivity x Time committed, so one should increase these two sub-dimensions to increase the output. 

3. Strategic Thinking. How do you decide which direction to go and when you pivot? How do you strategically position yourself in a highly competitive landscape? This is not only about yourself, but also about your peers and competitors. Knowing where and when to do what things are critically important for the success of any highly competitive field.

4. Leadership. How do you build a team and empower them to do great things? How do you create a win-win situation for everyone so that they can focus on the same direction as you and put all strengths together and follow your vision?

In Chinese, the four dimensions called 学习能力、执行力、战略思考力、领导力。We need to constantly reflect ourselves on these four dimensions and then figure out a plan to improve them. 

The first two makes your a super IC and the later two make your a great leader. With these abilities, you can assemble a team for your mission and vision. 

Many great startups, research project are all done by the efforts lead by such 10 person or super individual. 

MR as your north star

M stands for Mission.
R stands for Relationship.

These are two most important things in life. 

Mission is your life purpose. That is related to your goals, to your career and to the choices that you need to make along the way.

Relation is your connection, interaction with people. Make not only your life experience but also the people that you care about better. 

If you want to optimize for your life, optimize for these two. 

You might not be able to be famous or rich as Elon Musk, but your happiness likely will not be less. 

ATE principle to become excellent

Absorb, Think and Explore, which is similar to Digest, Think and Try.

That is the key to success. 

# Absorb
No matter where you are and what you do, keep absorbing valuable information by reading high quality books/blog posts/papers and watch high quality videos or listen to audiobooks/podcasts. 

The first way is to be able to feed your brain with high quality information to inspire and simulate. Without this step, it is very hard for you to do great stuff. 

After absorbing, you have to think hard, constantly and deeply into the subjects or questions in your mind. Try to understand what the essence of things are and why that is the case. This can help you build your knowledge system and thinking muscles. 

# Explore
Explore means set a reasonable goal, try and practice. No matter what you want to explore, innovating and being creative is a huge advantage. 

Be brave to try, fail and learn. The final success and luck will come as long as you persist and keep learning from what you have tried. 

ATOM word count and document outline for Markdown

When you have atom, there are a few things are really important for you to set up for writing in Markdown. 

  1.  Set up the soft warp by go to preference-> Editor --> preferred length and then check the box of using preferred length for soft wrap.
  2. Search document outline package by preference -> install -> search "document outline" -> install.
  3. Install word count "counter" by Fredrik01. It will display the word count in your status bar. The # in front of "C" is the number of English and Chinese words.


Just read the post about AutoML, which is a very good introductory post about the new Automatic Machine Learning field.

Per the discussion in the post about one of motivation for AutoML is that release the hand of data scientist to do more challenging stuff, which I think it is a little bit distort the fact that it is also reducing the employee pool of data scientist.

This is a soften version of saying I want to replace you one day for your own good. I generally do not oppose the AutoML. But I do think the entry level of data science job that the people on the position cannot understand the core idea of machine learning algorithms will be endanger of their jobs.

The future of AI and data science will be the people who super good at implementing or improving by change the core of algorithms. Meanwhile, the communication of the job is also a key that these AutoML pipelines need to be maintained and interpreted by DS.


  1. 在chrome和firefox浏览器中安装extension "Markdown Here"
  2. 在微信后台写或者粘贴markdown文本,然后"ctrl+alt+M", 文本就会变成渲染后的markdown 格式。
  3. 如果需要编辑,就重复"ctrl+alt+M", 然后文本会取消渲染效果,然后继续编辑,重复快捷键去渲染。直接发布就可以了。


  • 微信后台似乎不支持数学公式直接居中的表达,比如 $$ f(x)=x^2+1$$,而其他的一些编辑器支持。比如sublime text 2 + pandoc,或者markdown preview to html等。
  • 所以可以直接在sublime text写好之后,用pandoc 转成pdf,或者直接用markdown preview "ctrl+alt+M" 去查看渲染之后的效果。可以支持修改文件,然后refresh html去查看。
  • 写书也挺适合用markdown的,可以直接用pandoc转成许多其他格式,比如epub等。
  • 还可以直接写latex文档,以及latex slides 等等。

How to set up pandoc shortcut in sublime text 2

install pandoc

  • Suppose you have installed the package control in ST2, then "Command+Shift+P" or "tools > Command Palette" will pop out the dialog.

  • type "install packages"

  • type "pandoc", choose the most general one just with this name.

create short cut

  • In a normal way, you can just open "command palette" by "cmd+shift+p", and then type "pandoc", then type "PDF" or any other format you like.

  • Creating shortcut can help you save the typing "pandoc":

  1. Preferences > Key binding users
  2. Add { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+p"], "command": "pandoc"} in to the file.

For example, after adding, my files looks like:

[  { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+m"], "command": "markdown_preview", "args": {"target": "browser", "parser":"markdown"} }  ,  { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+p"], "command": "pandoc"}   ]  

Then in your markdown file, you can just use shortcut "ctrl+alt+p" then type "pdf" you can immediately convert it to pdf.

How to use pandoc to convert markdown files to pdf with math formula?

Pandoc Plugin for Sublime Text 2

A Sublime Text plugin that uses Pandoc to convert text from one markup format into another. Pandoc can convert documents in markdown, reStructuredText, textile, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup, OPML, or Haddock markup to XHTML, HTML5, HTML slide shows using Slidy, reveal.js, Slideous, S5, or DZSlides, Microsoft Word docx, OpenOffice/LibreOffice ODT, OpenDocument XML, EPUB version 2 or 3, FictionBook2, DocBook, GNU TexInfo, Groff man pages, Haddock markup, OPML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, LaTeX Beamer slides, PDF via LaTeX, Markdown, reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, MediaWiki markup, Emacs Org-Mode, Textile, or custom writers can be written in lua.


You need to install Pandoc, and this module:


The input format is specified by setting the syntax of the document.

Run Pandoc on the current document via the Command Palette (Command+Shift+P on OS X, Control+Shift+P on Linux/Windows) by selecting "Pandoc". You will be presented with output formats to choose from.


You can fully configure the available formats, and configure the Pandoc options to customize transformation, via the plugin settings file. Via the application menu, go to "Preferences" -> "Package Settings" -> "Pandoc".

how to use markdown in sublime text 2

Install package control:

Install MarkdownEditing

Markdown preview

Follow this link for markdown preview:

Installation :

Using Package Control (Recommended)

For all Sublime Text 2/3 users we recommend install via Package Control.

Install Package Control if you haven't yet.
Use cmd+shift+P then Package Control: Install Package
Look for Markdown Preview and install it.

To preview :

optionally select some of your markdown for conversion
use cmd+shift+P then Markdown Preview to show the follow commands (you will be prompted to select which parser you prefer):

Markdown Preview: Preview in Browser
Markdown Preview: Export HTML in Sublime Text
Markdown Preview: Copy to Clipboard
Markdown Preview: Open Markdown Cheat sheet

or bind some key in your user key binding, using a line like this one: { "keys": ["alt+m"], "command": "markdown_preview", "args": {"target": "browser", "parser":"markdown"} }, for a specific parser and target or { "keys": ["alt+m"], "command": "markdown_preview_select", "args": {"target": "browser"} }, to bring up the quick panel to select enabled parsers for a given target.
once converted a first time, the output HTML will be updated on each file save (with LiveReload plugin)


If you want to set the keymap, just " preference> package setting> key bindings - user, and note to use the argument as above.

Then it is really convenient for you to use.

How to make sure "alt+z" is for typing Greek Omega in visual studio code

Just click preference of vscode and then in the json file, add:

{ "key": "alt+z",      "command": "-editor.action.toggleWordWrap",
                         "when": "editorTextFocus" }

in the keybinding.json.

This is from:

Removing a specific key binding rule

You can write a key binding rule that targets the removal of a specific default key binding. With the keybindings.json, it was always possible to redefine all the key bindings of VS Code, but it can be very difficult to make a small tweak, especially around overloaded keys, such as Tab or Escape. To remove a specific key binding, simply add a - to the command and the rule will be a removal rule.

Here is an example:

// In Default Keyboard Shortcuts  ...  { "key": "tab", "command": "tab", "when": ... },  { "key": "tab", "command": "editor.emmet.action.expandAbbreviation", "when": ... },  { "key": "tab", "command": "jumpToNextSnippetPlaceholder", "when": ... },  { "key": "tab", "command": "acceptQuickFixSuggestion", "when": ... },  { "key": "tab", "command": "acceptSelectedSuggestion", "when": ... },  ...    // To remove the second rule, for example, add in keybindings.json:  { "key": "tab", "command": "-editor.emmet.action.expandAbbreviation" }    

How to make pycharm work with tensorflow

Install tensorflow on your console follow the tensorflow installation.

Then go to python on console, and then print sys.version, you will see where tensorflow is installed to. Then you can use that one to set your pycharm.
PyCharm. And note that On macOS this might be a path such as ~/anaconda/bin/python or /Users/jsmith/anaconda/bin/python.

The former are a short link.

You can just open the system preference and set the project interpreter. Add the path to the pycharm and then you can run the tensorflow from there.