The 7 secrets of highly successful PhD students
It seems everyone has 7 secrets to success, and now someone has hopped on the 7-secrets bandwagon with something for PhD students. Thinkwell is an Australian company offering a seminar and associated work book on "The 7 secrets of highly successful PhD students". I bought the book out of curiosity, but "book" is a gross exaggeration — only eleven pages of fairly simplistic advice. I hope the seminar has more substance. For what it's worth, here are the so-called seven secrets.
- Care and maintenance of your supervisor.
- Write and show as you go.
- Be realistic.
- Say no to distractions.
- It's a job.
- Get help.
- You can do it.
If you can work out what is meant from those headings, you're doing better than me. After reading the "book", I think a better summary would be as follows.
- Meet regularly with your supervisor.
- Write up your research ideas as you go.
- Have realistic research goals.
- Beware of distractions and other commitments.
- Set regular hours and take holidays.
- Make full use of the available help.
- Persevere.
Nothing too surprising there. Perhaps it should have been called "Seven obvious things PhD students should already know".
Havey's notes; the following is from the book title , and we can see more on explaining
The 7 Secrets of Highly Successful PhD Students
Rate yourself on the 7 secrets and work out what exactly you can do to improve your progress. Topics covered include dealing with your supervisor, writing, being realistic, and hanging in there when the going gets tough.
Table of contents:
* Care and maintenance of your supervisor
* Write and show as you go: This is show and tell not hide and seek
* Be realistic: It's not a Nobel Prize
* Say no to distractions: Even the fun ones and the ones you think you must do
* It's a job: That means working nine to five but you get holidays
* Get help: You are not an owner-operator single person business
* You can do it: A PhD is 90% persistence and 10% intelligence