I read through Shou-Wu Zhang's introduction page on Baike, and Grothendieck and Faltings introduction on Wikipedia. They are all great Mathematician in this world. A lot of them found that some good books hard to read, but eventually get a lot of rewards from read, think and digest.
It's interesting that I always have passion about understanding how Mathematicians become Mathematician, and like the math they are doing, which seems the most powerful things in this world. I am fascinated about them. If possible, even I leave academia, I hope I can keep the passion about math and learn more math, work on statistical problems related to math. I think I have these interest and I need to really read more and think deeply about it.

Focus on what we love, and try it, don't do it because of honor or just benefits.

Love stats, love math, and love thinking. That's me.

