UPDATE: Angela Lee Duckworth weighs in on the outpouring of comments
inspired by her talk.
"In response to just a few of the thoughtful comments... I agree that
luck and talent also matter. I happen to think kids often
underestimate the importance of hard work and sticking with things,
but of course, hard work without any ability or good fortune doesn't
yield results, either. As for success being more than good grades or
accomplishment generally, I concur. I want to be a success
(personally), but I also want to be honest and kind. So, it's probably
more accurate to consider grit as a determinant (among others) of
achievement than of any broad conception of success."
Never give up! It's more than just a platitude. In her extensive
research, psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth found that more than IQ or
talent or any other factor, the #1 predictor of a person's success is
their unflagging commitment to a long-term goal... in other words,
their grit. Find out why...
This post has been updated from a previously published version.
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Click here to listen to Angela Lee Duckworth's segment on NPR's TED
Radio Hour program.