发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 8 19:39:36 2015, 美东)
Q1: M=10000,点数之和减去M的平均值是多少(也就是期望)?
Q2: M=10000,点数之和减掉M的标准差是多少?
Q3: M=10000,投掷骰子的平均次数是多少?
Q4: M=10000,投掷骰子次数的标准差是多少?
You roll a fair 6-sided dice iteratively until the sum of the dice rolls is
greater than or equal to M.
Q1. What is the mean of the sum minus M when M=10000
Q2. What is the standard deviation of the sum minus M when M=10000
Q3.What is the mean of the number of rolls when M=10000
Q4. What is the standard deviation of the number of rolls when M=10000