How do I find a mentor and establish a mentoring relationship?
1. Identify your mentoring needs.
2. Assess your viability as a mentee.
3. Do some research.
4. Narrow your choices.
5. Select your mentor.
From the student's perspective, how to make a productive
. tell the mentor about what they are at and where they are planning to do.
. report progress and keep the mentors in the loop.
. summarize the meeting and clarify the points that the both sides expect and understand.
. keep a positive attitude and open for communication.
From the faculties perspective, how to make a successful mentorship.
. Introduce your students to others. This will encourage the students a lot.
. Inspire and motivate the student with a clear picture so that they know where they are going and feel excited about make the dream come true.
. Set up a regular meeting so that everyone standing on the same page.