
When I looked at Chris's CV, I am shamed by people who concerning too much about the years you spend on pursuiting what you dream about, such as PhD stuff. Chris graduated from 1993 from biology and then get master degree from ecology in 98, then go to cmu for phd. And he finally got it in 2003. Even after so many years, as a assistant professor in Harvard, he worked so hard just for pursueing the chance to stay with his girlfriend togehter.
From the teaching experience this semester, I recognized how gentle he is.  And he tried everything he can to do well in what he is striving for. Maybe you worry about something that you do is not good for your future or you cannot haven't gotten valuable things d one yet. But think about Chris, he change from a biology to statistics, and study so many things. He did it. And even nowadays, he is still so diligent. You can see he is in his office and work all day long, only ate a little food. I guess if anyone of us could have his spirit and passione about what we do and be willing to learn as hard as him, nothing cannot be done.
No matter what we do, just do it well and following your heart. Then accept your own life as what it is in front of you. That would be a wondeful world you are in.

Miss home

Maybe I am too missing home.  I want to go home. I want to finish my things and go home.

productivity seminar

There are so many smart people around us. Why don't learn from them?
Today's productivity seminar shown me that how could people work efficiently with even the text editor in our daily life.  You know, everyone will think text editing is simple and easy, but they don't recognize how fast you could do it if you pay attention to learn some tricks, which we called functionality of the editior.
In macs, the textmate can provide a lot of funcitionality, you can use simple keyboard operation  to finsih very complex text pattern, such as a bunch of latex command you want to write (e.g. inserting a figure). This is what the LatexEditor provide to me. I like this feature a lot.
Some features I like very much about a texteditor is:
. word completion.
. Macros definition.
. coment/uncoment for programing language.
. short cuts for compiling.
In windows, there are also a lot of editors which is wonderful. Ultraeditor is a good choice. I haven't get much familiar with it.
As hoxie said, find a suitable edtior and stick with it and build it up to accelarate our productivity.